Nature and Structure of Economic Environment

The Great Turning  

Creating legislation that oversees and enforces environmental and social regulations and initiatives that would include public oversight and monitoring.

The Great Turning

Ecotopian Thinking to Re-invent the Course of Human History and Evolution 

Exploring, developing and implementing ecotopian models to apply to human development and progress are vitally important processes to pursue if we are to remain a viable species on planet Earth. 

Human History and Evolution

 Progressing Towards Cultural Maturity

The first stage would be to expose children to natural, untainted landscapes for a majority of the time during the first phase of their lives. Activities to promote connection would include swinging, touching, watching, exploring and playing.

Progressing Towards Cultural Maturity

The Perceived Role of Humanity as Managers and Stewards of the Earth

The planet cannot support infinite human expansion and resource depletion, either. At some point, a critical amount of degradation will be reached, and ecosystem collapse will ultimately and logically follow suit.

Humanity as Managers and Stewards of the Earth

Experiencing Wilderness and Wild Places

Indigenous peoples living intimately with their habitats, connected to the fauna, flora and natural elements, experienced a deep sense of place and their covenant with nature. Modern primal cultures tend to continue this way of living and seem to be content without many of the conveniences of our technological society.

Experiencing Wilderness and Wild Places 

Passionate Earth Project

(541) 292 – 8700 


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