Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation Measures
In contrast to James Lovelock’s Gaia theory that does consider the Earth as an organism in that it supports life by the regulation of its many systems such as its geography, climate and atmosphere.
Experiencing Wilderness and Wild Places
This connectedness and interrelatedness assist us in understanding our
place in the scheme of evolutionary processes and grounds us as
participants in the wonders and purpose of creation.
Ecological Perception
Human beings could incorporate certain aspects of animal perception and behavior as a further identification with their evolutionary makeup and ability to perceive in an enhanced manner.
Ecofeminism: An Ecofeminist Vision of Humanity
Eco-feminism is not based on women’s equality with men as in women’s liberation but is directed at liberating women as a goal in itself. Essential concerns are restoring value to women’s contributions to society that include:
Eco-psychology views the early stages of development of the child as being extremely important in the formation of a healthy relationship with the biosphere.
Passionate Earth Project
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